Our areas of expertise
In addition to providing person-centered mental health consultation and training on topics such as
wellness, workplace culture, and preventing burnout,
Goldfeather consultants and trainers offer specialized support in these areas.

Peer employment and professional development
Peer employees are the way forward in clinical and community-based settings. But integrating peers into an existing workforce poses new questions, and the answers aren’t always intuitive. We can help with supervision strategies, HR best practices, developing career paths, and more.

Hoarding and cluttering supports for low-income tenants, LGBTQ communities, and youth
Person-centered supports for hoarding and cluttering are few and far between in general; they’re almost non-existent for marginalized communities. We are thought leaders in creating positive change for these and other underserved groups of people struggling with too much stuff.

Community crisis response without police intervention
More than 1 in 4 lethal police encounters involve a person with a serious mental health disability. Risks are greatest for Black, indigenous, and trans/gender non-conforming people of color. We are building capacity for community crisis response across the US through trainings, seminars, support sessions, community forums, and partnerships.