support makes the difference.

Hoarding and cluttering challenges don’t have to be life sentences. With support, skill-building, and community connection, people are able to maintain and enjoy their living environment. 

But the right kind of support can vary from person to person. The more targeted the support, the more likely it is to succeed. 

Goldfeather Consulting specializes in working with service providers and community-based organizations to provide effective supports to community members living with too much stuff.

A focus on unique at-risk groups

Hoarding and cluttering challenges affect around 5% of the population. Some of the groups most disproportionately impacted have the fewest targeted resources.

Goldfeather Consulting is working to address that imbalance with the following groups.

Most resources and supports for hoarding, cluttering, and organizing are aimed at middle-income clients, who often own their own homes. But what about those who live in low-income, single-room occupancy (SRO), or supportive housing? Age, disability, and cognitive issues already complicate decluttering. Add small, high-content living spaces into the mix and the problems quickly become overwhelming.

Goldfeather consultants have experience working with low-income tenants, and we know how to help. While we are unable to provide direct service to community members, we consult with service providers to give accurate information on hoarding and cluttering issues and help develop evidence-based harm reduction strategies to prevent eviction and keep people in their homes.

Hoarding and cluttering issues affect 5% of the general population. Anecdotal data suggest these issues may impact LGBTQ communities at rates of 10 – 15%, or even higher. Although research lags behind community-based work in this area, reasons may involve the development of social identity as community archivists; surviving the AIDS epidemic; earlier and more frequent exposure to trauma and loss; reduced support circles; and other factors.

Goldfeather consultants have successfully supported LGBTQ community members with hoarding and cluttering challenges for the past decade. We now consult directly with service providers and community-based organizations to develop culturally-responsive, community-rich support strategies.

Most young people have some help in managing their living environment, whether from their family of origin, guardian, or foster family. Transitional-age youth (ages 16 – 24) may face both maturational and situational crisis when managing their living environment on their own for the first time. For youth who already struggle with acquiring and discarding, this is a critical time when lack of appropriate supports may set them up for future challenges. Youth exiting the foster system may be especially at risk.

Decluttering support resources are often scarce even for older adults; for young adults, they are almost non-existent. Goldfeather Consulting is at the forefront of developing age-appropriate strategies and supports for transitional-age youth so they have the opportunity to develop lifelong organizational and home maintenance skills.

Find out how Peer Response Teams can provide innovative supports.